
What are the Three Parts of a Mission Statement?

  • The Key Market – Who is your target audience? …
  • Your Contribution – The next component to a successful mission statement is outlining your contribution. …
  • Distinction – The next component to a highly effective mission statement is distinction.

“To empower creators to make their best work and get it in front of the audience they deserve.” “To connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.” “To give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.”

  1. Brand Purpose: What does your product or service do, or aim to provide and for whom?
  2. Brand Values: What does your company stand for? For example, are you environmentally conscious and provide a more sustainable solution to solve a problem? Values are what make your company unique.
  3. Brand Goals: What does your company accomplish for customers? Why should they purchase from you instead of other competitors?